Future Path Solutions 07069749 ¦ Future Path Development CIC 08814779
Future Path has a strong background in accredited and unaccredited skills delivery. We have worked hard to become a truly demand-led skills provider, through two opposite approaches. Tailored Programmes Through mapping learner and employer needs to relevant units, Future Path designs training to meet needs, then matches it to relevant units - creating bespoke learning programmes that are demand-led, rather than funding-led. Through the use of powerful qualification suites such as Aim Awards’ Skills for Employment and Further Learning, FP has over 600 units to choose from! This approach allows us to accredit and deliver a wide range of courses, including Towards Employment - our unique two-week programme that guides learners through our PACES model, allowing them to accurately identify their job goals, effectively market themselves to employers and submit high quality applications. Future Path are experts at identifying funded units that can be adapted to meet labour market demands - not delivering bolt-standard job search units that fail to help learners to change their lives. Industry Solutions Conversely to the above, we recognise that some qualifications need to be delivered “as is” - these awards contain industry-standard skills and knowledge, and as such would be weakened if adapted. With this in mind, Future Path can deliver a number of Level 2 Awards that meet the needs of employers, employees and job applicants, namely: Health and Safety in the Workplace Safe Moving and Handling (”Manual Handling”) Food Safety (all three contexts) Emergency First Aid Please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss these or any other training requirements.
Tailored Courses and Industry Solutions
Future Path Plantagenet House 4 Plantagenet Road New Barnet Herts EN5 5JQ T: 0300 302 0077 info@future-path.co.uk